A Weekly Saturday Tradition
(see schedule on our calendar)
This weekly classic Gambito has been running for over 23 years
New players, including kids, are welcome to play in this challenging event
This tournament is a single day 4-round rapid event
The time control is Game 45 with a 5 second delay
Requires United States Chess Federation (USCF) membership to play
You can join the USCF at this event!
Try to bring a set including a clock if possible
10:00am - 10:25am : Registration. Note, we only register onsite, no online registration for Gambito.
10:30am : Round 1 followed by Round 2
~2:30pm : Lunch
~3:00pm : Round 3
~4:30pm : Round 4
6:30pm : Tournament ends (approximately)
Unrateds play for free, but they are ineligible to win cash prizes (instead they can select one of our chess books)
Super Gambito (The first Saturday of each month) : $30
Entry fee is higher because there is a larger prize fund
All other Saturdays: $30
Please note that if you arrive after 10:25am and want to play in Round 1, there is an additional $5 fee
Over 70% of fees collected are paid out in cash prizes
Fines : If your cell phone rings any time during the games, you will incur a $5 fine
Please Note
There are a few Saturdays during the year when there is no Gambito (e.g. a larger local event being held on a Saturday, or a parade in the park which creates too much noise for players)
Double check the club calendar to be sure there is a Gambito scheduled on the Saturday you want to attend.
If you want to be notified of any changes to our Saturday schedule, please, get on the mailing list.
Please email sandiegochessclub@gmail.com if you have any questions or leave a voicemail at 619-75-CHESS