Weekly Classical Game
(see schedule on our calendar)
The SDCC hosts Wednesday Night USCF tournaments,
New players, including kids, are welcome to play in this event
Consists of one game a week over a span of 5-7 weeks depending on the number of rounds in the tournament
The time control is Game 90 with a +30 second increment
Requires United States Chess Federation (USCF) membership to play
You can join the USCF at this event!
Please try to bring a set including a clock if possible
6:30pm (First Week Only) : Registration
Two 1/2 pt byes are available but must be requested by 6:30PM, if not, they are zero point byes.
7:00pm : Start of game
Unrateds play for free, but they are ineligible to win cash prizes (instead they can select one of our chess books)
Entry Fee (excluding Unrateds) : $30
Fines : If your cell phone rings any time during the games, you will incur a $5 fine
Please Note
Double check the club calendar to be sure there is a game scheduled on the Wednesday you want to attend
If you wish to receive notifications about new Wednesday tournaments, please, get on a mailing list.
Please email sandiegochessclub@gmail.com if you have any questions or leave a voicemail at 619-75-CHESS